Online course: PBL & CLIL in Bilingual Education – starting on October 20th.

PBL & CLIL inbilingual education

PBL & CLIL in Bilingual Education

About the course:

In this on-line, 20-hour course, participants will reflect about the importance of acquiring languages through meaningful, context relevant communication.

We will reflect on questions such as:

  • What is CLIL?  Is CLIL a philosophy, a methodology or an approach? Why the noise
  • What exactly is PBL? What are its characteristics?
  • Why is PBL  appropriate for Bilingual Education? How does it connect with the CLIL approach?
  • How can this be implemented in my class? Is it applicable in any content area?
  • How can students learn through Inquiry? Why is this beneficial?
  • How do I get my students to interact through a second language?
  • How can we make sure that PBL does not compromise a curriculum nor compromise learning expectations?
  • What tools and strategies can I use to implement PBL in my classes?
  • How can we differentiate teaching in PBL?
  • When, at what stage of the process and how?
  • How can I organize my planning in a PBL model?  What would it look like?
  • How do I assess students in a PBL-based program?


Participants are expected to dedicate  4 hours per week and take part in the activities with comments. There will be one assessed task at the end of the course.

Resources will include:
 Texts for reading and reflecting with peers; 
Forum discussions
; Videos ; Material analysis; 
Collaborative planning.

Facilitators: Selma Moura & Sherina Isolica

Selma Moura holds a M.Ed. and a B.A from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a specialisation in the languages of arts from the same university. She is a professor in the specialisation in Bilingual Education int three colleges, as well as a school director, consultant and published author. She is the editor of this blog.

Sherina Isolica holds a B.A in Education (Brazil) and another in Administration (UK), and is currently taking an MBA in school management. She has 22 years of experience as a teacher, three of them as a coordinator. She has been providing professional development for teachers, participating in educational events and publishing articles in AASSA  (Association of American Schools in South America).

Start date:  October 20th, 2018.

End date: December 1st, 2018

Course fee: R$ 300,00.

(10% discount for groups of 5 or more people)

Register here



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3 thoughts on “Online course: PBL & CLIL in Bilingual Education – starting on October 20th.

  1. Alessandra Pinheiro says:

    Boa noite, quando será oferecido o próximo Online course: PBL & CLIL in Bilingual Education? Tenho interesse em fazer. Obrigada

  2. Claudia Melo says:

    Gostaria de saber quando terá outro curso desse. Trabalho numa escola de idiomas e estou com muitas dúvidas em relação a educação bilingue.


    Me inscrevi no curso, mas não recebi o link para fazer o pagamento.
    Gostaria de saber se minha participação está valida e se poderei iniciar normalmente amanhã.


    Vanessa Gabbi

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